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Just giving praise where praise is due – MNS

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November 27, 2009 by Fensic

So yeah I does always be checking dem government websites doing what I could tuh express an interest and point out glaring flaws like spelling errors on pages, or links that doh wuk. If they respond tuh mih emails they respond if they don’t they don’t even though their websites does solicit feedback.

Well late larse week I send ah email to de contact listed fuh de MNS website because dey does put out a magazine every two months highlighting events of agencies dat part of the Ministry of National Security or MNS as dey call it. For Jan – Feb and Mar – Apr they download de same edition so I fire off mih email. Imagine mih total surprise when the new week start and I see ah response from dem. They misunderstood what I had said so I send them ah next email. Well in a very, very very short time dey reply admitting dat yes, what I was saying was true and that they would pass the word on to the people responsible. Later that same day I went tuh de website again and would you believe it had been updated to correct the error?

I eh go lie I was totally totally blown away. The people were courteous, professional, and prompt. Is no way I go let that episode parse widout telling allyuh. For those we interested here is the link to the magazine they call InTouch.

Again, good work the those customer facing representatives of the MNS. In particular Parbatie Hazel who was my contact.

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